Bharat has always been considered a rich abode of culture, arts, and crafts. It has always been very fashionable and known for its magnificence of handcrafted. Over the years, with globalisation, as well as, competition from the cheap, rapidly produced products of the modern age, somehow the vibrant sparkle of this magnificent flame has diminished.

At Fashionable Bharat, we aim at helping all connect and reconnect with our rich Bharatiya roots, while presenting it in a modern fashionable format to the world – The New Fashion. It focuses on building social capital through an innovative NextGen Online-2-Offline (O2O) sourcing, showcasing and distribution model.

Simultaneously, Fashionable Bharat also aims at positively contributing to the diminishing communities of artesian and craftsmen through initiating focused cluster adoption, community, and sustainable development as well as skill development programs. The focus here is predominantly on sustainability initiatives. It aims at doing so by not just reinvesting some of its profits back but also by creating a pool of social capital, both financial and volunteers while maintaining a transparent and strict monitoring mechanism to ensure.

In short, Fashionable Bharat aims at delivering the Best of Indian Heritage & Culture across the Globe, in all its glory.